YCBK 391: Deferred or waitlisted? What do you do now?
In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (1:48): Julia and Mark discuss a blog article that appeared in College Vine entitled, “Deferred or Waitlisted? How to Write a Letter of Continued Interest.” The article was written by 7/28/2023 and it was written by Varun Srinivasan. Julia and Mark share what they agree with and what they disagree with in the article. Part 1 will air this week and Part 2 will air next week. (Length 37 minutes)
This week’s question (38:35): Susan and Mark answer a question from Kathie, a counselor in California and she wants to know why are some high schools moving away from the Advanced Placement courses.
This week’s interview (1:21:32): Mark interviews Marissa Salizar in what will be a five-part series that will be over 90 minutes, that will do a deep dive on all things college visit. Marissa is over all the visitation programs at Colorado College, and we cover: “Open Houses, “overnight visits”, “admitted-student visits”, “fly-in programs’ “self-guided tours” and virtual tours. Part 5 of 5. Preview-Part 5:
- Marissa talks about virtual tours and virtual offerings
- Marissa talks about how virtual visits feed into the admissions funnel
- Marissa goes on the hot seat
- This is our final segment and it is a shorter segment than the other 4, listen and enjoy
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:28:48): Recommended Resource- College Majors 101 – Discover College Majors, Jobs and College Offerings | A great website for that helps you discover college majors, jobs and college offerings in various fields of study
College Spotlight: N/A
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