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Still Time to Apply: 2024 NACAC College Openings Guide

NACAC College Openings Update

It’s not too late to apply to college for fall 2024. Application season isn’t over yet; hundreds of colleges are still looking for students to join their campus communities. Whether you’re reconsidering your initial choices, have had a change in circumstances, or just looking for additional options, there are still opportunities to find an ideal college match.

The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) provides a comprehensive resource, the College Openings Update. This tool can be invaluable for students coming to the college application process later than usual. It’s a list of colleges and universities that still have spaces available for freshmen and transfer students and are accepting applications. 


  • Late Deciders: Not every student is ready to make a decision about their post-high school plans by the traditional deadlines. If you need more time to consider options, this list may help you find the school that is the perfect fit for you.
  • Gap Year Students: Students who have taken a gap year and decided late in the year to attend college can benefit from this list.
  • Change of Heart: Maybe you’ve already decided but have second thoughts about your choice. It happens. NACAC gives students a chance to explore additional options and maybe consider a different educational path.
  • Transfer Students: For students looking to transfer to a new college, this list offers schools that are still accepting applications that better match their academic goals.


  • Flexibility: Many of these schools offer rolling admissions, which means schools review applications and release decisions as they’re received. 
  • Variety: The NACAC College Openings Update includes a diverse range of institutions, from large public universities to small private colleges, offering programs in virtually every field of study.
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid: Many of the included colleges still offer financial aid and scholarships to late applicants.  


Using NACAC’s College Openings Update is straightforward. You can search for schools by criteria that are important to you, such as location, size, available majors, or financial aid offerings. 

NACAC College Openings

NACAC updates the site daily, so you’re constantly getting updated information.

This resource is a reminder that there are always paths available, regardless of when you start your higher education journey.

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