Interview 184: Michael Keaton on "Understanding Ursinus College"
Interview 186: Michele Evard, Holly Ramsey, and Liam Dailey on "How admission offices evaluate homeschooled applicants"

Interview 185: Jeff Selingo on “How to Know if a College Is Financially Stable”

  • Jeff Selingo shares the space he occupies in this Higher Ed Space
  • We talk about a recent tweet from Jeff about how Moody’s downgraded Muhlenberg and how small colleges are struggling
  • Jeff answers the question, how do you figure out if a college is going in the wrong direction financially
  • Jeff explains why he feels a lot of colleges are going to really struggle in the foreseeable future
  • Jeff talks about a big change he has seen in colleges in the last 10-15 years
  • Jeff talks about how the list of colleges in one category is getting smaller and smaller
  • Jeff talks about a survey he did of 3500 parents
  • Jeff discusses where he sees undergraduate and graduate certificates going, will they be a competitor to the college degree?
  • Jeff discusses what he learned from his experience of spending a life inside three different admission offices
  • Jeff answers a confusing question I have: Just how many high schools are
  • Jeff tells us about a new book he has coming out in 2025
  • Jeff goes on the hot seat in our lightning-round
  • Jeff shares how to connect with him and his content
  • Jeff talks about his thoughts on dual enrollment

You can also listen on Episode 430, and Episode 432

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