Interview 185: Jeff Selingo on "How to Know if a College Is Financially Stable"
Interview 187: John Hoffman on "Lessons learned from 45 years placing kids in colleges and boarding schools"

Interview 186: Michele Evard, Holly Ramsey, and Liam Dailey on “How admission offices evaluate homeschooled applicants”

  • Holly, Michele, and Liam all introduce themselves.
  • Liam, Michele, and Holly share the reasons why students choose homeschooling
  • Holly shares some of the fascinating statistics on homeschooling
  • We return to the subject of why students consider homeschooling
  • Holly explains why she feels homeschooling is a humane way to educate
  • Holly explains how the racial unrest with George Floyd has impacted homeschooling
  • Liam shares some creative examples of students who homeschooled
  • Michele answers the question, when is a student that learns at home homeschooled, and when are they not homeschooled
  • Holly speaks to the efficiency of homeschooling
  • Liam talks about how homeschooled students demonstrate college readiness and Holly chimes in and adds some insights
  • Liam, Michele and Holly discuss the role test scores play in how homeschooled applicants are evaluated?
  • Michele and Holly discuss the challenge of AP’s for homeschooled applicants
  • Liam talks about what he does in his role of homeschool admissions liaison and he talks about how common or rare it is for a college to have a homeschool specialist in their admission office
  • We are talking about advice for homeschoolers when it comes to the transcript, the Counselor letter, the School Profile, the Activity List, and the Curriculum Guide
  • Liam talks about the value of the one-page overview document
  • Liam talks about a missed opportunity that he encounters with some homeschooled students
  • Should the parent write the counselor’s recommendation?
  • Should the parent write the teacher’s recommendation?
  • Michele talks about how the process can be different in the UK
  • Holly talks about her book she wrote with Michele; College Unmazed, Design and Document Your Homeschool
  • Holly and Michele share some other great resources
  • Michele warns us about trusting the rumor mill when it comes to homeschooling
  • Michele has some words of wisdom on the topic of college readiness, including what students with learning differences need to do
  • Our guest experts discuss the stereotype, Homeschooled students struggle socially

You can also listen on Episode 429, Episode 431, Episode 433, and Episode 435

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