YCBK 452: A Test-Prep Expert With Over 40 Years Experience, Has Lost Faith In The ACT/SAT

Introduction : In the News-Julia and I discuss U Chicago’s new Early Decision Program
Interview with Jay Rosner-Part 2 of 4:
- Jay explains what he believes the motivations are for the elite colleges
- Jay answers the question, why should a highly selective school not use testing, after all, they need some factor to differentiate where most students have all A’s, and embellished recs and professionally polished writing,
- Jay rebuts the diamond in the rough theory, that argues that test scores help you to identify strong kids that are not highly resourced
Sign up for our Q & A webinar with Holly Ramsey, Dr. Michele Evard and Liam Dailey, three homeschooling experts. They will discuss how colleges admissions experts evaluate homeschooled students – Events
Sign up for our Q & A webinar with Matt Carpenter, he will discuss “Paying for College” and he will answer your questions about paying for college, as well as how using College Aid Pro can help you with the cost of college – Events
You can also send in questions for our interviews by using speakpipe.com/YCBK. Our interviews are confirmed for 2024 with the following leaders at the following schools:
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