YCBK 453: How To Know If Your Student Is Competitive At An Honors College

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (2:36): Mark and Julia answer several question from Assaf from Rochester. He has several questions about Honors College’s (Length 21 minutes)
This week’s question (23:45): Our roundtable is back (Hillary, Susan, Julia, Vince and Mark) and we discuss a few questions from an anonymous mom about the Honors section of the Common App (Length 16 minutes)
This week’s interview (39:50): Mark interviews Stephen Burd, Editor of the book, Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management, and Don Hossler, one of the major contributors to the book. Preview of Part 3:
- Stephen and Don talk about some firms leverage financial aid for every single student and Don uses the word, “repulsive” when referring to this practice
- Don tells a story about a dastardly thing he heard one of the bigger firms says at an admissions conference
- Mark asks Don another tough question about financial aid leveraging and he lets us know if he finds the practice ethical or unethical
- Mark asks Don if he feel colleges tracking your web activity and factoring that into decisions, does he see this as ethical or unethical?
- Don tells us whether more public universities are using demonstrated interest than they often let families know
- Stephen talks about another practice he finds to be unethical in recruitment
- Don talks about a director of admission that got fired because the President intentionally wanted him to recruit to reject and he refused to recruit with the purpose of rejecting more students, so he got fired
- Stephen talks about how all of this financial leveraging is hurting colleges financially
- Stephen tells us who he feels is really being hurt by all of this financial aid leveraging
- Stephen and Don go on the hotseat (Length 34 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (57:43): How to Raise Successful Kids — Without Over-Parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims | TED
College Spotlight (1:13:32): University of South Carolina Part 2 of 3 with Mark and Lisa
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