Interview 207: Erin Wolfe on “18 Reasons Why Financial Aid Awards Differ Significantly From One College To Another”

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- Erin gives her backstory
- Erin shares reason #1 – Different costs
- Erin shares reason #2 – Different policies on gapping versus meeting full need
- Erin shares reason #3 – Different income protection allowances
- Erin shares reason #4 – Different asset protection allowances
- Erin talks about reason five why aid awards are all over the place: how the FAFSA and the CSS PROFILE are the two forms that are often required for financial aid, and Erin explains the differences between the two forms.
- Erin explains why some colleges require the CSS Profile and some reasons why other schools opt not to require the Profile
- Erin explains reason six: how some colleges require the non-custodial profile, how some colleges are very strict about requiring it, and some colleges are much more generous about providing a waiver
- Erin explains reason seven, and it is a major factor: how there are different policies of how colleges factor home equity in the assets of the family that are used in financial aid calculations
- Erin explains why some schools that require the CSS PROFILE do not share the home equity multiplier they use
- Mark asks Erin about reason number 8, how some colleges treat multiple kids in college differently than other colleges
- Mark asks Erin about reason 9, how some colleges treat a reduction in income after the base year as something they can use to increase your aid award, versus other colleges who do make this adjustment
- Mark asks Erin about reason 10, how some schools handle medical expenses and other expenses, and how different schools handle this; Erin shares the things that are considered vs those that are not considered
- Mark asks Erin about reason 11, how colleges vary on how they handle it if one parent decides to retire early
- Mark asks Erin about reason 12; someone didn’t need aid at first, so they didn’t apply for it, but now they do need aid; how do different colleges handle this
- Mark asks Erin about reason 13, preferential packaging. Erin defines preferential packaging and she explains how it impacts aid awards
- Mark asks Erin about reason 14; some schools give merit money, and others don’t, and I ask Erin to comment on this
- Mark asks Erin about reason 15; some colleges match competitor awards, and others don’t Mark asks Erin, about reason 16, how some colleges address the cost of living in the area that you are coming from
- Mark asks Erin about reason 17, how some colleges take K-12 tuition for a sibling at a private school into consideration
- Mark asks Erin about reason 18, how some colleges categorize untaxed income compared to other colleges. Erin defines what untaxed income is, and she gives several examples of untaxed income as part of what they see as fairness
- Mark asks Erin if families can trust net price calculators
- Erin talks about how some schools do an Early read
- Erin talks about My Intuition
- Erin talks about what families should do with these complex situations
- Mark asks Erin if it makes any difference if the family is difficult to work with
- Erin talks about what full verification is
- Mark asks Erin if she prefers the student or the parent to take the lead when raising concerns about an aid award.
- Erin goes on the hot seat in our lightning-round