YCBK 498: Demystifying The Role College Major Plays For College Applicants

YCBK 499: Why Does The HS My Student Attends Matter In Admission Decisions

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (4:04): Julia and Mark answer a question from Amanda, how can I figure out if my student is in profile for a college if they are recalculating a GPA and I don’t know how they are recalculating it. (Length 23 minutes)

This week’s question (27:02): Susan and Mark answer several questions from Chris from Minnesota and he wants to know, why do colleges judge my student through the prism of the high school he/she attends? He also wants to know why we talk so much about students who seem to be doing so well in school. (Length 38 minutes)

This week’s interview (1:05:30): Interview: Rob Franek, Chief Editor of the Princeton Review: How can you use the research Princeton Review does through surveys every year to better understand the colleges that we are researching? Preview of Part 1 of 3

  • Rob shares his backstory
  • Rob shares how his work at Wagner informs his work today
  • Rob talks about the survey called “College Hopes and Worries” that Princeton Review has done for the 20 consecutive years and he reveals what the survey results have revealed
  • Rob shares what students can learn from the Princeton Review annual surveys and he shares the number of students who participated in their survey this year
  • Rob explains how the rankings that Princeton Review produces is categorically different from other college rankings
  • Rob explains how many students complete surveys at each of the campuses where they do the survey
  • Rob explains the process of how they do the surveys every year

Mark’s recommended resource of the week : N/A

College Spotlight : College Spotlights will resume next week


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