Interview 47: Edan Shahar on “Understanding Test Innovators”

Edan Shahar, co-founder a nd CEO of Test Innovators, has extensive experience in the realms of technology and education. He has founded several technology companies that turn data into actionable insights.In founding Test Innovators, Edan combines his love of education with a passion for using technology and data to create superior methods to improve student learning. Mark has worked with Edan and his company with more than 50 students over the last five years. In this interview, Mark and Edan discuss, what is misunderstood about standardized testing. Edan and I discuss the test optional movement and a range of other topics related to standardized testing, college admissions, college access and equity. Edan also makes a very generous offer to our listeners, just use the coupon code ycbk (for your college-bound kid) and you will get 20% off all of Test Innovators online products. (Length 1:02:38)