Morehouse College (GA)
YCBK 128: UC Regents Declare Support to End Race-Blind Admissions

Interview 50: Vanessa Didyk on “Understanding how Zeemee can help your college application?”

Vanessa Didyk
Vanessa gives her backstory, the various places she has worked and she shares what she is doing now. Vanessa explains who Zeemee is and what are the problems that Zeemee solves. She talks about the ways students utilize Zeemee and she shares what the sign up process entails for students. Vanessa talks about how Zeemee reduces summer melt and she also talks about how Zeemee let’s you know what the students are like various campuses. Vanessa talks about how students are different than they used to be. Vanessa talks about the guidance Zeemee gives students in preparing their Zeemee profile. She talks about how Zeemee reduce stress.She lets us know the different settings students can use within Zeemee. Vanessa explains some of the resources students and schools can access. Vanessa shares how the range of different events that are being run on the Zeemee platform now. Vanessa shares how she sees Zeemee changing in the next five years.. Vanessa talks about how Zeemee is funded. I ask Vanessa if Zeemee has any services for grad and/or professional students. (52:42)

You can also listen on Episode 124, Episode 125, Episode 126 and Episode 127

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