Trinity University (TX)
YCBK 175: Test-optional admissions yields benefits

Interview 69: Vincent Garcia on “What is going on with the UC’s and admissions this year?”

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Vincent Garcia

What’s going on with the UC’s and CSU’s:

  • Vince gives his backstory
  • We talk about how rigor matters, and some of the ways it is evaluated
  • We discuss the growth of applications at UC; were they mostly from in or out of state?
  • We talk about how major matters and we talk about how the college you apply to matters at UC’s
  • Vince talks about how some UC’s prioritize students coming from their backyard, over those coming from other parts of the state
  • Vince shares the Community college pipeline to California universities
  • We talk about which UC’s students have the best chance of being admitted at
  • We discuss the yield of the UC’s and how this impacts the wait list
  • We turn to the CSU’s and Vince talks about why their admission experience was so different from the CU’s
  • Vince shares some areas where the CSU’s have outstanding programs
  • Vince reveals his list of underrated CSU’s and UC universities (Length 55:05)

You can also listen on Episode 173, Episode 174 and Episode 175

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