Interview 91: Chris Gruber on “How the pandemic forced Davidson to examine its own admission biases and make changes”

- Chris gives his backstory
- Who was part of the think tank to make the suggestions about how Davidson needed to change
- Three changes they made to the application process for students
- The “Why Us” essay, is there a class bias in this question
- Other changes Davidson made to decrease the class bias
- Chris and Mark have a very frank conversation about social class and admissions
- One of the ways in which they were using the School Profile in ways that were not fair to students coming from under-resourced schools
- Some school-wide initiatives that make Davidson is making to be easier for an under-resourced student to take full advantage of the full experience
- How they learned to read a file without test scores
- How the grade inflation at some schools makes reading without scores a bigger challenge
- How the length of the application often impacts application completion rates
- Chris goes on the hot seat