Interview 113: Darrell Edmonds on “Why I came back to the University of Delaware”

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- Darrell shares his backstory, how he went from ministry, to music to mentoring to the admission office at the University of Delaware
- Darrell explains why he came back to the University of Delaware
- Darrell starts to explain some of the things that Delaware offers now that have him excited that weren’t there when he was a student
- Darrell gets into the things that are new at Delaware
- Darrell gives the in-state and out of state stats for UD
- Darrell listened to the College Spotlight twice that Mark did on The University of Delaware; he adds some additional things that are new at UD that Mark did not cover in the College Spotlight on UD
- Darrell talks about the STARZ campus and other campuses that Delaware offers
- Darrell talks about the new athletic center
- Darrell talks about the merit scholarships for out-of-state students; he shares what is good about them and what some people won’t like about them
- Darrell goes on the hot seat