Interview 112: Matt Ward on “Understanding Cal Lutheran University”

- Vince Garcia interviews Matt Ward, the VP of Enrollment at Cal Lutheran on the topic of “Understanding Cal Lutheran”
- Matt gives his backstory
- He explains the various roles he has at CLU
- CLU’s location in Thousand Oaks
- The history of CLU
- The major changes that have occurred over the last 17 years
- Vince shares what his niece’s experience was like as a Cal Lutheran student
- What the most popular majors at CLU
- What Lutheran institutions are known for
- Why housing at CLU is so attractive to so many students
- Vince explains how he felt at a queer person while he was on the campus at CLU
- What Cal Lutheran’s price promise is about how Cal Lutheran’s Price program has improved CLU’s diversity
- The athletic conference CLU competes in
- The outstanding “Four to Finish” program that CLU offers to its students
- The diversity at CLU and how it has changed in the last 15 years
- The challenges CLU faced when they had to respond to both a school shooting and area-wide fires
- The professional sports teams that use CLU for their training; the internship opportunities that this opens up
- Matt shares how the Sports Management program is really taking off at CLU
- Vince puts Matt on the hot seat in our lightning round
- Matt shares some opportunities that are going to be available as Higher Ed continues to get disrupted