Interview 118: Dr. Martha Saunders on "Miscellaneous topics"
Interview 120: Justin Doty and Paul McGinlay on "How athletic recruiting works at an academically selective D-3 school"

Interview 119: Dr. Martha Saunders on “Understanding the University of West Florida”

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Dr. Martha Saunders
  • Dr. Saunders talks about what makes the University of West Florida special and distinct from other colleges.
  • Dr. Saunders talks about what are the programs that will draw a student to come to UWF from across the country. She points out three exceptional programs that draw students from all over the country and even the world.
  • Dr. Saunders describes the type of student that thrives at the University of West Florida
  • Dr. Saunders talks about the type of student that is at risk of floundering
  • Dr. Saunders tells us what she means when she refers to as inner-ballast
  • Dr. Saunders tells us the cost of coming to the University of West Florida and why it is such a bargain
  • Dr. Saunders goes on the hot seat in our traditional lightning round

You can also listen on Episode 272

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