Interview 120: Justin Doty and Paul McGinlay on “How athletic recruiting works at an academically selective D-3 school”

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- Justin Doty (admissions Director) and Paul McGinlay (athletic liaison) have worked on athletic recruitment together for over 20 years at Trinity University. In this interview, they answer the following FAQ
- Justin and Paul give their backgrounds, including how they got to Trinity
- How athletic recruitment has changed over the years
- Justin gives an overview of Trinity University
- Paul explains what his role of being athletic liaison entails
- How many students have an athletic hook
- What Paul looks for first when an athlete reaches out to him
- When student-athletes should start the recruitment process
- Justin talks about one thing that almost every serious athlete does
- Athletic interest forms, should you use them?
- Who athletes should reach out to
- Advice about athletic recruitment video
- How can a student know if an invitation to an ID camp is an attempt to generate revenue?
- Advice about recruitment services like NCSA and others
- How can a student know if a coach is serious about them
- One thing a student can do to make themselves stand out
- Justin tells us how many kids submit test scores
- Justin talks about the type of student-athlete that Trinity attracts
- Justin talks about what athletic pre-reads are and how they work at Trinity
- Paul talks about whether some sports get a bigger thumb on the scale than others
- The role Early Decision plays in athletic recruiting
- Justin and Paul go on the hot seat