YCBK 295: 7 Higher-Ed Trends to watch in 2023
YCBK 297: No engagement no acceptance at Tulane University

YCBK 296: Mitch Warren Interview: Understanding Purdue-Part 1 of 3

In this week’s episode you will hear

Introduction: Mark shares a half dozen Higher Ed updates.

Mark interviews Mitch Warren, Associate Vice Provost and Director of Admissions at Purdue University. Title: Understanding Purdue, 1 of 3

Preview of Part 1:

  • Mitch tells us how he got into college admissions; he explains the jobs he had before he got his current job and he tells us about his family and his favorite hobby.
  • Mitch tell us who Purdue is. He tells us about the main campus and four other opportunities to go to Purdue other than the main campus
  • Mitch answers the question, “Why Purdue”
  • Mitch describes the student that does well at Purdue
  • Mitch discusses the student who struggles at Purdue
  • Mitch tells us what “Purdue Global” is and how it differs from the other campuses
  • Mitch talks about how the satellite campuses are different from the West Lafayette campus


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