Interview 150: Dr. Jenni Griffin on “Utilizing Student Resources to be successful while in college”

- Jenni gives her education and her career background.
- Jenni gives a description of her role as the Dean of APEX – Advising, Planning and Experiential Learning which oversees six offices: Academic resource center, Global Engagement, Career Planning, Experiential Learning and Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Center, and the Registrar’s office
- Jenni talks about how it was intentional to bring together these six major departments and locate them in one place so they could coordinate their support amongst all of the departments.
- Jenni talks about the most difficult group for APEX to reach, and she explains why this group is hard for APEX to reach.
- Jenni talks about a creative way they have used to get 200 students to complete resumes.
- Jenni talks about why there is no stigma for students to visit APEX.
- Dr. Griffin explains what the APEX fellows’ program is
- Lisa asks Dr. Griffin how families can evaluate whether a school offers the type of services that APEX offers.
- Jenni talks about how important it is to learn how to study.
- Jenni talks about the two questions we need to stop asking students, but adults and students continue to keep asking students these questions.
- Jenni talks about what “decision fatigue” is and how it can be paralyzing.
- Jenni talks about the College of Wooster
- Jenni discusses the mentored research projects that every student does at the College of Wooster
- Jenni talks about the type of student that makes for a great student at the College of Wooster