Interview 177: Marjorie Betley on “STARS College Network”
- Marjorie gives her backstory. Deputy Director of Admissions at the University of Chicago
- Marjorie shares statistics of rural students at U Chicago
- Marjorie explains what the history of the STARS (Small Town and Rural Students) College Network is
- Marjorie explains what the Emerging World Leaders Program is
- Marjorie gives an overview of the Small Town and Rural Students Network, and she shares the mission of the Network
- Marjorie talks about the importance of diversity on a college campus
- Marjorie talks about how much variety there is within rural locations
- Marjorie explains how the 16 schools in the STARS Network came together
- Marjorie explains why rural schools often don’t get many college admission visitors
- Marjorie shares changes she expects to happen with the STARS network over the next few years.
- Marjorie gets into the nuts and bolts of what STARS does to recruit students, and she shares a lot of very creative ways that the 16 colleges in the STARS Network are using
- Marjorie talks about how important School Profiles are to assist admission officers in accurately reading admission files from their schools
- Marjorie talks about ways in which the STARS Network tries to educate rural students about what the opportunities are for their students
- Marjorie explains how Khan Academy and School House can help rural students
- Marjorie talks about her adjustment from a rural school to the University of Chicago
- Marjorie talks about the mentorship and peer-to-peer support that is available for students once they get to campus
- Marjorie talks about the very creative “Bridging the Divide program” that is run through the Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago
- Marjorie and Lynda talk about the skepticism rural students increasingly have about the value of college
- Marjorie talks about an outstanding program Northwestern is offering for rural students
- Marjorie gives her advice to rural students, rural parents, and college counselors working with rural students
- Marjorie shares where students can learn more about The STARS Network
- Marjorie goes on the hot seat in our lightning-round