YCBK 57: How to Make Your Activities Stand out in Your Application [Transcript]
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Interview 26: Dr. David Williams on “What you need to know about becoming a doctor, a nurse or a physician assistant”

Dr. Dave Williams
Mark’s lifelong friend, Dr. David Williams: “So you want to be a doctor, a nurse or a Physician Assistant?”
– Is making money a good reason to be a doctor?
– How the medical profession is changing?
– Why doctor are making less money?
– What a future doctor should major in while they are in college?
– Will it hurt a student to not go to an elite college or an elite medical school?
– What should a student do to confirm whether being a doctor is right for them.
– What character traits does it take for a doctor to be successful?
– The differences between different medical specialties
– The versatility and the opportunities of careers in nursing
– What Physician assistants do and the opportunities that are available for PA’s
– Three true stories about Obama, Lebron and a Harvard student
– The importance of passion
Dave’s daughter’s college search
(Length 1:24:54)

You can also listen on Episode 55, Episode 56, Episode 57 and Episode 58

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