Interview 37: David Wagner on “Understanding St. Olaf College”

In part 2 with Dave Wagner, Director of Admissions at St. Olaf, we focus on what makes St. Olaf unique and distinct. Dave talks about the history of St. Olaf and he reveals how the history has shaped who they are today. Dave is an ideal person to interview for this topic. Dave grew up in Minnesota, he attended St Olaf and graduated and he has been working there for 15 years. Let’s talk about St. Olaf College, what can you tell us about St. Olaf? Mark shares his experience and his impression of his recent visit to St. Olaf in the summer of 2019. What do you regard as either your strongest majors or some signature programs that you offer? How has St. Olaf changed in your years there? Describe the kind of student that will thrive at St. Olaf. Dave, tell us what the St. Olaf website is and any other social media you offering case someone wants to follow you. (Length 22:09)