Interview 62: Dr. Lisa Rouff on “7 Mental Barriers that keep students from achieving their peak performance”

Lisa shares how she became interested in the college application process and how she completed the UC-Irvine certificate program. Lisa talks about the mental health impediments that impair peak performance. The first area she talks about is anxiety and test-anxiety. We transition to talk about ADD and ADHD, what is it, how is it misunderstood, how does it differ from boys and girls.
Lisa lets us know what Executive functioning skills are. She talks about what a student should do if they do not have good executive functioning skills. Lisa discusses the paralysis of perfectionism: Why this is so rampant and what you can do about it. Next Lisa talks about depression. What is it and what can you do about it? Lisa talks about the impact of covid-19 on mental health. Lisa describes the problems created by isolation Lisa talks about the family tension and drama and how they impact mental health. Mark has a big announcement: Lisa will be joining him at School Match 4U and becoming a part of the YCBK team. (Length 29:07)