Interview 86: Gary Clark on “Understanding UCLA”

- Gary gives a high-level overview of who UCLA is
- Gary answers questions that listeners sent in
- Gary explains how the comprehensive review process works at UCLA
- Gary shares a few unique things that UCLA does that some of the other UC’s don’t do when they are evaluating an applicant
- Gary tells us what ELC is and he explains how it works in the UCLA admissions process.
- Gary discusses whether grade inflation at a particular high school is something they look at or is an A and A no matter what high school the student is coming from.
- Gary about admissions for non-resident students who are not from California
- Gary shares statistical information, such as how many students apply and what the acceptance rate is for nursing and he talks about what UCLA is looking for when they evaluate a nursing applicant.
- Gary describes what “The Compare Favorably standard is”
- Gary answers the question, does test-blind apply to AP and IB tests
- Mark puts Gary on the hot seat