Connecticut College (CT)
Interview 176: Andy Strickler on "Understanding Connecticut College"

Interview 175: Lydia Dagenais on “How Law School Admissions work”

Lydia Dagenais and Julia Esquivel
  • How does Law school admissions work?
  • Lydia tells us what LSAC is, and she talks about the central role of LSAC in law school admissions
  • Lydia talks about the requirements for the law school application
  • Lydia talks about the role of the American Bar association
  • Lydia talks about how the role of testing differs for law schools vs undergrad
  • Lydia tells us what JD Next is
  • Lydia shares what a student can do now to prepare for law school.
  • Lydia gives great advice on who to ask for your recommendations for law school.
  • Lydia goes into more depth about how LSAC helps the law school file reading process.
  • Lydia talks about the role predictive modeling plays in law school admissions
  • Lydia explains if students can get access to LSAC
  • What role do writing ability and critical thinking play in the admission process?
  • Lydia talks about the content of the first year in law school
  • Lydia talks about whether you need to go to a top-tier law school to get the plum jobs after graduation
  • Lydia answers, are there too many lawyers out there? Is the field oversaturated?
  • Lydia tells us what the character and fitness questions are, and she tells us why they are so important
  • Lydia goes on the hot seat

You can also listen on Episode 417, and Episode 419

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