Interview 132: Mitch Warren on “Understanding Purdue”

- Mitch tells us how he got into college admissions; he explains the jobs he had before he got his current position, and he tells us about his family and his favorite hobby.
- Mitch tells us who Purdue is. He tells us about the main campus and four other opportunities to go to Purdue other than the main campus.
- Mitch answers the question, “Why Purdue.”
- Mitch describes the student that does well at Purdue
- Mitch discusses the student who struggles at Purdue
- Mitch tells us What Purdue Global is and how it differs from the other campuses
- Mitch talks about how the satellite campuses are different from the West Lafayette campus
- Mitch explains whether you can transfer to Purdue’s most competitive programs
- Mitch talks about some of the robust programs Purdue has that often fly under the radar
- Mitch answers a few questions about “impacted majors.”
- Mitch talks about the importance of applying Early Action
- Mitch explains what “Exploratory studies” is
- Mitch talks about the “First-year engineering program.”
- Mitch answers the question, can a student do an internal transfer from one major to another at the main campus?
- Mitch tells us about West Lafayette as a city
- Mitch answers a question a listener sent in about co-ops.
- Mitch talks about the application process and the strengths of the Honors College
- Mitch explains the difference between test-flexible and test-optional.
- Mitch explains why Purdue is requiring test scores for the Class of 2024
- Mitch talks about the other things the admission officers look for at Purdue
- Mitch talks about the Personal Quality that can make an applicant standout
- Mitch talks about how to handle human error when it occurs
- Mitch talks about how Purdue uses seasonal readers
- Mitch goes on the hotseat.