Wash U in St. Louis (MO)
Interview 135: Alison Merzel on "Understanding and Supporting Jewish Students and the Threat of Antisemitism"

Interview 134: Kirby Mcilyar on “How to choose a major and a career”

Kirby Mcilyar
  • Kirby shares her background, and she shares how she got involved in helping students figure out how to know what their best major and career is.
  • Kirby shares how she does both career counseling and personal counseling.
  • Kirby shares her website, kirbycounseling.com
  • Kirby shares the first step that a student should take when they are trying to select a major
  • Kirby has some great suggestions on how students can build a relationship with a professor in an area they are interested in. She shares how helpful this can be in selecting a major
  • Kirby shares another creative idea for discerning if a major is a good fit for you.
  • Kirby shares how smaller schools can be different from larger schools.
  • Kirby shares what not to do, but her advice is different depending on the school size.
  • Kirby explains what an IUT is.
  • Kirby explains how bureaucracy can impact your college major.
  • Kirby talks about the Self-Assessment instrument in Naviance called the Career interest profiler.
  • Kirby explains how there are some good card sorts to help with interest inventories.
  • Kirby explains what KNOWDELL is.
  • Kirby differentiates Values from SKILLS from Goals from Ability testing.
  • Kirby and Lisa both share some great stories about people who pursued a career that was not values aligned or interest aligned.
  • Lisa gets personal and she shares her own story when it comes to career matches and mismatches.
  • Kirby and Lisa have a very free flowing hotseat that is very interesting to listen to
  • Lisa puts Kirby on the hotseat.

You can also listen on Episode 302, Episode 304, and Episode 306

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