YCBK 66: What artistic majors need to do to stand out in admissions?
YCBK 67: Ways to show colleges your Academic Passion

Interview 29: Chris Carlton on “The Value of Studying Abroad”

Chris Carlton
Chris Carlton, “The Value of Studying Abroad”. Tell us about his upbringing 1) why did you study abroad, 2) where did you go and 3) what was the experience like? What did you do after college and what you are doing now? What motivated you to start studyabroadsmarter? Tell us about studyabroadsmarter.com? Are there opportunities available for study abroad for high school students? What are the various different options for types of study abroad experiences in college? How do students learn about their study abroad options? What can someone expect to pay to go abroad? How does a student pay for study abroad? Mark shares his own daughter’s study abroad experience. Chris shares some interesting study abroad stories? What do you say to the parent who says, study abroad sounds great, but I’m really concerned about safety? (Length 41:54)

You can also listen on Episode 65, Episode 66 and Episode 67

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