Interview 39: Peter Van Buskirk on “Was in which colleges act in their self-interest that is not in your interest”

Mark interviews Peter Van Buskirk, Founder of Best College Fit, and Former VP of Enrollment at Franklin and Marshall, in “Understanding how colleges act as businesses in ways that are not in your best interest”. Peter, shares his backstory and his admissions background. Peter, talks about things that colleges do to drive down their acceptance rate to make themselves appear more selective. Peter comments on the use of Wait Lists by colleges to decrease their selectivity and to increase their Yield. Peter gives his take on the rankings. Peter talks about test score manipulation and a range of topics including; financial aid gimmicks, why he believes there is no such thing as truly being need-blind and why the term “”meeting Full-Demonstrated need”” does not mean what the public thinks it means. Peter has more than 40 years of experience (Length 1:11:50)