Understanding Macalester College (MN) with Yancie Davis
Interview 44: Yancie Davis on "Understanding Macalester"

Interview 43: Travis Hornsby on “Eliminating student debt”

Travis Hornsby
Travis Hornsby is the founder of Student Loan Planner (https://www.studentloanplanner.com). He was a bond trader who retired in his 20’s before deciding to use his excel heavy skill set to build models for how to save money paying back student debt. Travis answers many questions such as: Travis, tell us a little bit about your upbringing, your backstory and walk us right up to the point where you became interested in the topic of student debt. Talk to us about company, student loan planner, what you do and who you serve? What are the things people don’t know about co-signing that they really need to know before they co-sign? So Travis, do you recommend never co-signing or are there times when co-signing makes sense, and it is something you would support?
As you listen, you notice that Travis is extremely bright but also very motivated to conquer the debt that enslaving so many students. (Length 37:56)

You can also listen on Episode 101 and Episode 102

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