Interview 76: Eric Furda on “Q&A About Highly Selective Colleges”

- What he has learned from going from an admission Dean to a college counselor
- How colleges are handling challenges like: increased costs, the demographic cliff and the birth dearth that threaten to decrease the pool of applicants?
- How do colleges project their yield (percentage of accepts who enroll)?
- A creative way to know what a school’s institutional priorities are
- Teacher advice: what to focus on when you write a teacher recommendation
- What is a good AP score?
- What AP score should a student submit versus not submit?
- When should a student submit their ACT/SAT score, and when should they choose to apply test optional?
- How colleges use college-specific questions to learn important things about the applicants
- What are the things that are misunderstood about selective institutions?
- How is UPenn different from Columbia?
- Eric goes on the hot seat and answers several personal questions