Interview 110: Dr. Robert Alexander on "Understanding the University of Rochester"
Interview 112: Matt Ward on "Understanding Cal Lutheran University"

Interview 111: Tom Becker on “Understanding Pittsburgh”

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Tom Becker
  • Tom gives his backstory
  • “Who is Pitt and Why should a student consider attending Pitt”; The Pitt mission statement
  • How does the fact that Pitt was a private institution before 1960 impact Pitt
  • Does the state legislature mandate that Pitt take a certain percentage of students from PA
  • Pitts’s outstanding academic programs that many don’t know about
  • Does Pitt admit into specific colleges or tire university
  • How does Pitt provide advice to help students find the right major; What are the strongest majors at Pitt
  • A major change Pitt made to emphasize computer science more
  • What does it mean that Pitt uses rolling admissions and holistic admissions
  • What does Pitt need to do to improve?
  • How difficult is it to get into the various programs at Pitt, and which are the hardest schools to get admitted to
  • When must your application be submitted for Pitt’s most competitive programs?
  • When are the first decisions released?
  • When are students admitted to a regional campus vs. being admitted to the Pittsburgh campus?
  • What are the strongest programs at the regional campuses
  • The importance of your mid-year grades in the admissions process
  • The role test scores play in admissions
  • Did Pitt have more of a surge of applications in certain majors; How was Yield impacted by the surge of applications?
  • How did certain institutional priorities impact admissions
  • More about the Honors Colleges and how it works at Pitt
  • What are your strategic priorities moving forward
  • What do your students feel are your greatest strengths
  • How do merit scholarships work?
  • Where can Pitt improve?
  • Tom goes on the hot seat

You can also listen on Episode 250, Episode 252 and Episode 254

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