Interview 114: Heath Einstein on “Understanding TCU”

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- Mark and Julia both interview Heath
- Heath gives his backstory
- Heath answers the following questions:
- “Who is TCU”; How does the mission at TCU impact the educational experience?
- Why should students consider TCU if they don’t identify as Christian?
- The mascot at TCU is a “horn Frog”; what is a Horn Frog?
- TCU is known for its School spirit, the Horned Frogs; where does this come from, and how does it impact the student experience?
- TCU is also known for friendly people and a strong sense of community; where does this come from, and what does this look like?
- Describe the TCU campus.
- Tell us about your core curriculum and how it impacts a TCU education.
- How does Greek life impact the TCU experience and culture?
- Is TCU a conservative college?
- What can you say about Career services and your Honors college
- Comment on some of TCU’s strongest programs: Business, Communications, Nursing, Pre-Med, Biology, and Health Sciences
- Fine arts, Dance, and Theater and Other strong programs?
- Do you admit by college or by major, and which programs are the hardest to get into?
- What is the Freedom of Expression, and how does that impact ad missions decisions
- What are some of the institutional priorities of TCU?
- Heath goes on the hot seat in our lightning round and you have to hear what he says about Albert Einstein!