Interview 161: Derek Terrell on "Understanding the Coalition for College"
YCBK 388: Tips for submitting video submissions to selective colleges

Interview 162: Marissa Salazar on “Six ways to visit a college”

  • Marissa gives her backstory and the various roles she has had
  • Marissa describes how the open house differs from other college visits
  • Marissa describes who the Open House is best designed for
  • Marissa explains some different models that different schools use for their Open Houses
  • Marissa discusses how Open Houses relate to “Yield.” and she talks about the logistics of the Open House visit
  • We transition to discussing overnights and we talk about whether overnights are effective.
  • We discuss the challenges of overnights and why you so seldomly see colleges providing them these days
  • We transition to discussing “admitted student visit programs”
  • Marissa talks about the structure of admitted student visit programs
  • Marissa talks about the role social media plays with admitted students visit programs.
  • Marissa talks about the structure and the various models for “admitted student visits”
  • Marissa talks about what students like to have included in the admitted student visit programs and their Open Houses
  • Marissa talks about two different models for student panels
  • Marissa describes what is required for the application for a fly-in program and what the selection process looks like
  • Marissa talks about what actually happens on the fly-in when a student gets to Colorado College
  • Marissa talks about whether socio-economics plays a role in who gets their fly-in expenses covered
  • Marissa talks about how the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action impacts fly-in programs
  • Marissa gives us an overview of Landscape
  • We transition to “Daily visits” and Marissa gives us advice on how to set up a daily visit and what students can expect on a daily visit
  • Marissa gives advice to parents on what to do and what to not do on the college’s daily visit
  • Marissa answers a frequently asked question: if a student wants to meet a faculty member on a visit, how do they set this up?
  • Marissa answers the question, who else can a student request to meet on a daily college visit
  • Marissa answers the question, “How long should a family allocate for a visit to a campus”
  • Marissa tells us what a self-guided tour is
  • She talks about the different types of self-guided tours
  • Marissa talks about when she recommends a self-guided tour
  • Marissa talks about whether virtual or in-person tours impact demonstrated interest
  • Marissa talks about what a student can do to maximize the value of the self-guided tour.
  • Marissa talks about whether a student should let an admission officer know if they just popped by and stopped on campus but they didn’t do an official registration
  • Marissa talks about virtual tours and virtual offerings
  • Marissa talks about how virtual visits feed into the admissions funnel
  • Marissa goes on the hot seat

You can also listen on Episode 383, Episode 385, Episode 387, Episode 389, and Episode 391

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