Interview 122: Arlene Cash on “Wisdom from 5 decades as an admissions leader”

- Arlene gives her illustrious background at 11 different institutions of Higher Ed from the east to the south to the west
- Arlene shares the highlights of her career
- Arlene shares what she is doing at the Character Collaborative
- Arlene shares what students and parents are overlooking when it comes to picking a college
- Arlene answers the question, “How can someone break through the noise to figure out if a school is character or personality match”
- Arlene answers the question, “How important is the financial health of the school”
- Arlene says something very surprising about strategic plans
- Arlene gives her advice about each school’s IR page
- Arlene shares advice on how to research colleges
- Arlene talks about Core Values
- Arlene talks about how HBCU’s have changed
- Arlene talks about admission practices and admission trends
- Arlene talks about whether a certain type of student does better at a small, mid-size or large school
- Arlene talks about the resources on a college campus that students don’t take advantage of enough
- Arlene gives students tips on what to do on a college visit
- Arlene gives her perspective on student loans
- Arlene, answers the question, how important is a school’s name recognition?
- Arlene goes on an extended version of the hot seat